Treasury on Collins Apartment Hotel understands that privacy is important to you and wants your experience online to be as enjoyable and safe as possible. This policy describes how the Hotel handles your personal information generally and when you use the Site.
What Personal Information is collected?
Visitors to the website provide various kinds of information in several different ways. Some visitors choose to submit personal information through subscription, booking forms and requests for more information, either through e-mails, response devices or other methods. Depending on the service you are accessing, you could be asked at various times to provide information including but not limited to, details such as your name, e-mail address or information about what you like and do not like.
When booking accommodation online or paying for other services, we may request your credit card number to complete the transaction or your mailing address to ensure delivery. Credit card details are required to confirm accommodation and we use Payment Express to securely process transactions, their privacy policy can be viewed at
Treasury on Collins Apartment Hotel will not collect sensitive information about you such as details of your race, political beliefs, religion or health. However this may be required where we are providing you with specialised services (such as access requirements for a disability).
We need this personal information in order to provide you with our products or services, and so we can provide you with a broad range of information in relation to tourism, hospitality and services and to assist in delivering a better service to you.
Use of Personal Information
The Hotel uses the personal information collected to provide you with our services and to assist in making your experience with Treasury on Collins Apartment Hotel a satisfying one. Information is also collected to establish and maintain proper business records.
Your personal information may also be used to notify you about new products, services or promotions from time to time.
Will your information be given to anyone else?
All personal information collected by the Hotel is only made available to those authorised individuals who need to handle that information for the purposes outlined in this policy. In some circumstances, personal information may also be disclosed outside the Hotel. For example, we may disclose personal information to third parties to whom the Hotel contracts out specialised functions (such as mailing houses and printing companies). In such cases we will require an undertaking from such persons to comply with the National Privacy Principles and Information Privacy Principles and do not use the personal information for any purposes beyond the scope of our contract with them.
Personal information may also be disclosed to third parties only for the purpose of completing your transaction with us (for example, your credit card provider).
Treasury on Collins Apartment Hotel will also disclose personal information when required by law and may disclose it when reasonably necessary to assist an enforcement body or to lessen or prevent a threat to individual or public health or safety.
Use of Cookies
The Hotel website application uses cookies exclusively for session management. These temporary cookies serve to identify the user during each individual visit to the site. These cookies are temporarily stored in the user’s browser throughout the course of each individual session. No other use is or can be made of the information contained in these cookies, and there is no trace of individual sessions.
External links on our Site
The Hotel website contains links that will let you leave the Site. The use of information and/or privacy provided by the operator of a linked site as to any information you provide in accessing a linked site is in no way subject to this Privacy Policy. Treasury on Collins Apartment Hotel takes no responsibility for any privacy policies or practices of any web sites accessible from the Site, whether or not such practices conform to privacy policies of those sites.
Removal from our lists
If you do not want to receive e-mail or posted offers from Treasury on Collins Apartment Hotel generally please let us know by sending an email message to or by contacting the Hotel’s Privacy Officer at the address detailed below. If you want to be removed from our mailing list, please provide the Hotel with your complete name and address, in writing.
If you follow the instructions for “unsubscribing” included as part of the Hotel’s regular email offers, your name will be removed from the mailing list.
Access and Correction
You have a right to seek access to information, which Treasury on Collins Apartment Hotel holds about you (although there are some exceptions to this). You also have the right to ask us to correct information about you which is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date.
If you wish to exercise your right under the Australian or New Zealand Privacy Acts to seek access to the personal information held by this Hotel, then please contact the Privacy Officer.
Please note that in the interests of protecting the privacy of all our customers, if you request details of any personal information held by us, we will need to identify you properly. To do this, we may telephone you or require your current name and address (any former addresses that may assist in identification) and a copy of a form of identification such as a current driver’s licence or passport.
We will assume, unless you tell us otherwise, that your request relates to our current records about you. This will include the personal information about you, which is held on our databases and files. For legal and administrative reasons, the Hotel may also store records containing personal information in its archives. You may seek access to the records held by the Hotel which are not current records, but if you do so, we may charge you for the cost of providing access.