Rubiks Cube
October 7, 2015
Alice’s Wonderland exhibition Scienceworks
December 4, 2015Andy Warhol & Ai Weiwei Exhibition

Head to the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne between the 11th of December 2015 and the 24th of April 2016, for a major exhibition featuring two of the most significant artists of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries; Andy Warhol and Ai Weiwei.
Hosted by the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) the exhibition will feature more than 200 of Andy Warhol’s artworks, including Campbell’s Soup, Electric Chair, Mao, Flowers, Elvis and more.
Major commissions by Ai Weiwei will be premiered and presented alongside key works from the last 40 years.
Don’t miss it.
Andy Warhol / Ai Weiwei
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
December 11 2015 until April 24, 2016.
Book Melbourne accommodation staying at Treasury on Collins. To make an accommodation booking CLICK HERE.
image: National Gallery of Victoria