Neil Diamond Live in Concert
March 16, 2015
Australian FIM Speedway Grand Prix
March 18, 2015PAX Australia – Melbourne

October 30th to November 1st, 2015.
If you’re into gaming then this is an event you don’t want to miss?
What is PAX you ask?
‘In 2004, the folks at Penny Arcade decided they wanted a show exclusively for gaming. Sure, comics, anime, and other nerd hobbies were cool, and those activities all had their own shows… so what about games? From that idea spawned a small 4,500 person event in Bellevue, Washington, focused on the culture and community that is gaming. Since then, the show hasn’t looked back. Doubling in size each year until venue capacities were reached, in 2010 the show expanded into Boston for PAX East, drawing tens of thousands of attendees in the inaugural year. The shows in Seattle and Boston represent the two largest gaming events in North America, and in 2013 for the first time PAX expanded internationally to Australia where it is now a yearly event!’
Features of the event include:
* Exhibit Hall
* Panels
* Console Free Play
* Handheld Lounge
* PC Area
* Tabletop
* Omegathon
* Concerts – described as ‘nerdcore music’
When: October 30 – Nov 1, 2015
Where: Melbourne Convention Centre
For more information visit PAX Australia.
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