The Fashion Market Melbourne
June 1, 2016
Disney on Ice
June 10, 2016
The Fashion Market Melbourne
June 1, 2016
Disney on Ice
June 10, 2016

Run Melbourne

When: Sunday July 24th, 2016
Where: Melbourne

Come along and participate in ‘Run Melbourne’, an event where participants of all ages and abilities can get fit, have fun and enjoy the great outdoors … all while raising funds the charity of YOUR choice.

Run Melbourne gives you the option to raise much needed funds for the charity of your choice with over 450 charities to choose from.

Their are several categories on offer including the 3km Kids run* (this one is actually held a day earlier on Saturday the 23rd of July), a 5km walk/run, and a  10km run or a half-marathon challenge.

For registrations and all the details head over to Run Melbourne.

Book Melbourne accommodation staying in the CBD at Treasury on Collins. CLICK HERE.